Who we are

The “Words for Schizophrenia/ Negative Symptoms” is a tool for better understanding the illness and is intended for
-          Health professionals
-          Patients afflicted by schizophrenia and their families, and for the general public.

The scientific content of this glossary tool was developed with cooperation from the following group of psychiatrists with special expertise in this area to whom we extend our warmest thanks:

  • Dr. Thierry BOTTAI – Centre Hospitalier de Martigues
  • Prof. Sonia DOLLFUS – Centre Esquirol, Caen
  • Prof. Nicolas FRANCK – CL3R Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, Lyon
  • Prof. Philip GORWOOD - CMME Centre Hospitalier Sainte Anne, Paris
  • Prof. Pierre-Michel LLORCA - CMP Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Clermont-Ferrand
  • Dr. Joël PON – Montberron Clinic
  • Prof. Frédéric ROUILLON - CMME Centre Hospitalier Sainte Anne, Paris

Our thanks also to:

  • The “Help” group of psychiatric experts for supplying the idea for this tool and for their help in developing it: Professors F Rouillon and PM Llorca, as the Group’s presidents, and its members : Prof. JM Azorin, Dr. T Bottaï, Prof. P Courtet, Prof. S Dollfus, Prof. N Franck, Prof. R Gaillard, Dr. E Giraud-Baro, Prof. P Gorwood, Dr. D Gourion, Prof. C Lançon, Prof. M Leboyer, Dr. D Leguay, Prof. F Limosin, Dr. J Pon, Dr. P Raymondet, Prof. P Vidailhet, Dr. G Vidon
  • Laurent MARTY – Health anthropologist, for his help in compiling the “words to say.”
  • Cyril MACH – Resident at the Esquirol Center in Caen, for his help in inventorying the rating scales.
  • The patients and families who agreed within the project framework to relate their experiences in the course of individual interviews and group discussions.
  • The UNAFAM Association, for their informed advice and for disseminating the information to patients.
  • Association Françasie de Psychiatrie Biologique et Neuropsychopharmacologie (French Association for Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology), for their support in disseminating the information to health professionals.


"Words for Schizophrenia / Negative Symptoms" was developed and edited by “Convergence Edition” publishing company. 
ROCHE laboratories provided institutional support for developing The “Words for Schizophrenia /Negative Symptoms” tool.